Fair Free

Fair Free

Fair Free Soap For Freckles$15.00 Fair Free is the best freckles fading soap as it is a mix of all those ingredients known to fight freckles and hyperpigmentation. The parsley and lemon essential oils are very effective to fade out and lighten freckles. Rinse the...
Odor Go

Odor Go

Odor Go Anti Perspirant Soap$15.00 Odor Go is our perfect natural antiperspirant soap which is designed to control sweating and body odor. The soap is completely safe (unlike other chemical deodorants) as it is made up of all natural ingredients and essential oils...
Oil Booster

Oil Booster

Oil Booster Soap for Dry Skin$15.00 Oil Booster is the best soap for dry skin. We have carefully created this soap for the people with dry and sensitive skin. Like other oil boosting soap recipes, there are no weird chemicals added like petroleum jelly etc. All we...
Glow More

Glow More

Glow More Anti Oxidant Soap$15.00 Our human body naturally produces antioxidants to fight skin-damaging conditions come from the external environment. Smoke, air pollution, dust particles are named a few. However, these antioxidants produced by the body are fewer...
Lovely Lavender

Lovely Lavender

Lovely Lavender Anti Anxiety Soap$15.00 Lovely Lavender is an anti-anxiety soap purely made up of lavender flowers and essential oils with a touch of mild relaxing fragrance. The soap has vital properties to cure skin burns, muscle soreness and pain to help you...

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